Wednesday, 11. February 2004
Cape Town at dusk

Marcus' posting of the intructions for posting images prompted me to post this one. It is a view of Cape Town at dusk, taken from Signal Hill, at 19h58 on Friday, 6 February 2004.

A dusk view of Cape Town taken from Signal Hill.

... Link

Pic Posting Instructions

iKat wants to know...

> one more time / how does one post a picture at the dwblog ?

First you have to have contributor status.

You already do, iKat.

(Almost all the active dubbers have contributor status. If I missed you, and you wanna post there, email me. )

Second, login to the site.

You must already know how to do this, as you posted there.

Third, click on the link on the right sidebar entitled, "images."

Next, click on the link titled "add a new image."

The resulting form is fairly self-explanatory. You will browse to the file - on your local drive, most likely, but you can point to a pic anywhere on the web by using the full URL.

Pick a name for the pic if you like, or let antville choose one for you based on the file name.

If it is a large pic, the antville code will automagically resize the pic to be 400 pixels in the longest axis, UNLESS you over-ride the pic size in the submission form to keep it larger. It will, in any case, automagically generate a thumbnail to use as a link to the full size pic if you like.

This procedure uploads the pic to the antville server, for use in any story.

To insert the pic, using a macro to do so is the easiest way, though it can be done with standard html code.

Say that you uploaded a pic called "DSC00092.JPG" Antville will have named that pic "DSC00092"

Use the following code...

<% image name="DSC0009" %>

That will insert the pic.

If you choose to rename the pic as you upload it to the blog, say, to "pizza", use ...

<% image name="pizza" %>

If you wanna use the thumbnail, the macro changes slightly to...

<% thumb name="DSC0009" %> or <% thumb name="pizza" %>

You can use standard HTML tags, or stylesheets, on the image. As an example, you can insert and center a pic called MyPic with the following

< center>
<% image name="MyPic" %>
</center %>

Ok, that's Antville Images 101. Email me iffn anything is unclear or I've left out something.

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