Thursday, 4. March 2004
drippy phone calls and not-so-old souls

So last night I called my brother to tell him something about the laptop computer he'd loaned me, and he spoke about that for a second or two, then without introduction, launched into, "...so we're at the hospital now, and Dad drove himself here straight from work because he was having pains in his gut, and the doctors think it could be gallbladder, an ulcer, or a heart attack, but they're not sure yet, so he's going to have a treadmill test in the morning..."

Um, what?

I was worried, even though my mom sounded very calm when I talked to her, because, well, I'm not there to see what's really going on, and my dad and I have been having a really good relationship lately, with all the crap going on with R., and I'd just talked with my dad that morning, and what if something were to happen, and it's my dad, after all, and...

So I got off the phone and started crying a bit with worry. Grant was watching me intently, so I told him, "Mommy's a little bit sad because Grandpa's sick, but he's going to be fine." My son put his head on my lap and said, "It's okay to have all your feelings, Mommy." I was sitting there thinking I have the coolest kid in the world, he understands, he's perceptive beyond his years, he's an old soul...then he looked at me and asked, "Is that a DRIP coming out of your eye??"

LOL I gotta love that.

I told him it was indeed a drip, and asked if he wanted to touch it, so he touched it gently with his finger and stood there, looking at it on his fingertip, then looking at me. Normally when he cries, he says his eyes are "leaking," and thinks tears are plain water. I told him it was a tear and said he could taste it if he wanted to, and he did...and was delighted that it had a taste. I mean, he thought that was *hilarious.*

What a good reality check...and it gave me and my sister a belly laugh when I called her to say I'd talked to Dad and he must've been tired, because he'd told everyone else he was okay, but he started getting philosophical with me, saying no one knows what the future holds, and that he loves me and would do anything for me...

Geez, kind of a weird night.

Anyway, think good thoughts for my dad. I'm going to go about my previously scheduled day, but I'll check in with him later to see how the treadmill test went. Man, one of these days I'm going to get a call that's not as easy. As my sister said, "Well, today's not that day."


- Beth

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