movie reviews

I've got a free blockbuster rental burning a hole in my pocket, as it were. anyone up to recommending some worthwhile titles?

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Body Truths

Catherine recently posted, in a thread about immune system health, some thoughts that are worth preservation and publication here:

I think there are certain universal truisms when it comes to immune system health. And believe me, it is the silent superhero in our existence. Amazing what it does and what happens when it fails to operate according to its prime directive.

Truth one - do something that causes you pleasure each and every day. (it can be selfish or selfless - so long as it makes you feel actual physical pleasure)

Truth two - listen to your body - it will tell you when it needs iron or starch or sugar or salt. You will crave foods. Eat those things you crave. In moderation. Also listen to your brain and if your craving is marshmallow and chocolate on a constant basis consider looking into that. You don't need to know which things have which particular nutrients - your body speaks their language, it knows what it wants. Just listen.

Truth three - human bodies need rest. Listen to yours and rest when it asks you to.

Truth four - exercise it - the body likes to work.

Truth five - deal with your shit. Your immune system hates dangling swords and shadows. Sucks like hell while you do it and then you can move along.

Truth six - laugh.

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Nonie's Smorgasbord

One of my favourite [dw] posts ever. Nonie posted this one on Saturday, May 27, 2000:


to the one and only---



hors doeuvres---members' and kids' pics, shop talk, clothes, cosmetics, cereal bowls, (and new items in season),

salads--- word play, jokes, sex, banter, link exchanges, poetry

meat dishes---religion, politics, abortion, gun ownership, (vegetarians can easily bypass these dishes and still be well-nourished and satisfied)

veggies---art, movies, music, books, sex, hobbies, verbal sparring, questions and answers, limericks

breads---philosophy, life-situations, relationships, pet peeves, dilemmas

drinks---geek talk, sex, drinks (!?!), hopes and wishes, random thoughts

desserts---sunsets, more kid pics and stories, travel, more sex, dreams, fruits, fooling around, indulgences, fetishes, creativity,


Customers comments always welcome. Suggestions for additional items are encouraged. Do feel free to drop by every day, or at least every time you're in the neighborhood!

We are very pleased with ourselves, and hope you will be pleased with us too.

Our prices will fit your budget. All we ask is that you bring your own tastes and whatever dining utensils you feel are necessary.

Just in case you're wondering--our staff is made up of volunteers.




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