Thursday, 25. July 2002
let's be sensitive

to other's privacy. edit names of other dubbers, most especially those that are no longer active and may not know about this blog. i would suggest as a minimum to use only first names, no email addresses, and no quotes of an intensely personal nature without explicit permission of the quoted.

... Link

help wanted - coadmin(s)

now accepting applications for the job of co-administrator. y'all wouldn't wanna have me croak on you and leave you up a creek without a password, would ya?

didn't think so.

... Link

we also need content

and the easiest way to get that is to start posting your favorite posts from the past - "DW Greatest Hits"

i edited the form for creating a story, by adding a macro that will allow the creator to assign a time and date to the story other than the current time. please, when posting older stuff from the list, let's make sure to use the original time and date of the post, so that we can keep everything in chronological order.

i know that y'all didn't really need to know that that macro, but i am going to make it a rule to explicitly mention every change i make from the antville default skins.

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