Thursday, 25. July 2002
looking for volunteers

to be the designer(s) of the site, along with input re: fonts, colors, and all that other crap, like a banner or graphic to use up there in place of that fugly default title.

look around at some of the other antville sites, and post stuff that you see and like.

... Link

ok, lets get started...

iffn you wanna be a contibutor here, then you have to register (off the login page) and then susbscribe to the site, if it happened to be that you registered at another blog (that means all you folks that registered at my site)

after you've subscribed, i'll "promote" you to contributor. this gives you the permissions to create stories, and later edit them or even delete them if you wish.

if you want to use an image, load it using the form you'll see in the imagepool link. other types of files, say, a word doc, a java applet, a snippet of code, even html that you wanna reuse, are loaded in the goodiepool. you can even load an mp3, but there is a one meg limit on the size of uploaded goodies. you then use a macro to load the image or goodie into the body of your entry.

rummage around the help blog, the macro blog, or, if you really wanna get down and dirty with the bones of the code, the project blog, to learn how to use the macros. i'll help all i can, but know that i'm still learnng this software, too.

as an antville user, you can post question on all those aforementioned blogs, and the real geeks are usually gracious enough to help, so long as you're not asking a question they've already answered seventeen times, and is there for your enlightenment in the archives. as always, rtfm. the search function works real well to skim through them.

i'm sure you'll run into many questions, if you can't figure something out, shoot me an email and i'll get back to you as soon as i can.

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